Oh man, what a good episode. Just when you think you're getting at the bottom of it, they pull the ol' switcharoo and take it deeper. The complaint last year with this show is that nothing ever happened. And I agree, nothing ever did until the end of the show. But this year, they really seem to be trying to fix that, and last night was a great start.
The only complaint I have is that they are still trying to incorporate too many characters. Like last night, they didn't even get to Sylar and the mexicans (I know they aren't mexican, but I forget where they came from and they are trying to illegally come into America, so really, what's the difference?). But still, at least they aren't waiting till the end of time to actually have the characters use their abilities.
Okay, back to my batcave...
Actually, I'm done with Heroes.
Last night was it for me. A circular plot that continues to go NOWHERE. Character development is gone for most of these guys, and now we are stuck with gawd-awful dialouge and an incredibly transparent plot.
So Adam Monroe/Kensei, doesn't give a rip about anything, and now he is so vengeful that he will mastermind this whole sequence thousands of years later. That's just stupid.
When does LOST start?
Well, I'm done with you.
Just kidding. Really? You didn't like it? I thought it was great (obviously). I like that everytime they save the world, it creates this new problem that wouldn't have existed before. And the Kensei/Monroe storyline stupid? I'd have to disagree, I think it's great. It ties in stuff from last year into this storyline. But, whatever. I also eat $1.99 prime rib, so what do I know.
Jake not only am I with you on the 1.99 prime rib but I also enjoyed the show. Though I am tired of the whole Claire and her dad plot I think the rest of the show is just getting started. Oddly, I think Molly and the detective guy have made the show watchable for me this season. Anyway, while not great it has merited me continuing to tune in. Besides with 24 being postponed what choice do I really have?
ryan k
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