I know I'm a couple of days late to the party, but come on! Mtv's awards shows have really gone down the tube lately. Sarah Silverman did an okay job as a host, but some of her comments even made me uncomfortable.
And I club baby seals!
Well, I don't actually, but I do think I could come up with some better catagories then "Best Summer Movie You Haven't Seen Yet." How much did Michael Bay have to pay for that one? That is the lamest award I have ever seen. Before the show, it should've recieved the "Lamest Awards Show Award Not Given Out Yet"
Now that would've been good television.
MTV only has one redeeming program at this point:
The Real World/Road Rules Challenge
As Bill Simmons says, "Wouldn't it be great if the NBA played the all-star game as good guys vs. bad guys? Who wouldn't pay to see that?"
i mean, i KNOW it's easy to bash Paris Hilton, but OH MY GOSH. I actually felt sorry for her after Sarah was finished with her!
yeah, me too.
If you think about it, that would be that Mtv has 3 redeeming shows. They have to have the original road rules and real world to get the contestants for the challenges...now if we could only get them not to televise the first two...
Still not necessary. I am first introduced to these people on RR/RR Challenge. And despite having no past experience, I still love the show. If all they did was cast for the RR/RR Challenge it wouldn't change my thinking one bit.
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