

The other day I went over to my friend matt's house and he revealed possible the greatest news I've heard in the last couple of months. ESPN Classic is now showing old re-runs of American Gladiators!

Man, when I was growing up, I wanted to be just like Nitro. Down to the mullet and everything. In the history of American Gladiators though, one contestant stood out above all the rest. Wesley "Two Scoops" Berry. He was THE MAN! I searched on Youtube to find a clip of this true american gladiator. Unfortunately, the only clip I could find was of his stint on "International Gladiators." Regardless, this is a perfect example of why he was the greatest contestant of all time. Enjoy.


bill said...


i love that guy. (note: that is not in the past tense)

Betsy said...

TWO SCOOOOOPS!!!! Have you seen the one where he does a flip over a gladiator in the football challenge. that guy is THE MAN.

p.s. we watched every one of his episodes when we lived in colorado. the end.

Dustin said...

YES! I just saw this while we were in Lake Tahoe. Diamond was trying to shoot people with Tennis Balls! It was awesome.