
I Knew I Was White When I Bought That $6 Cup of Coffee...

Found this great website completely devoted to things white people like. My favorites so far are #68 (divorce), #62 (knowing what's best for poor people), and #59 (natural medicine). It's comical if not convicting.


Anonymous said...

This is the greatest blog ever!

Mrs. Jake said...

do they have one for what black people like? You wouldn't want to be unfair....

Anonymous said...

I have a few suggestions:

#1 - Fried Chicken: self-explanatory

#2 - Comedians: in a much deeper way, and with much more fervor than white people.

#3 - Pickles: seriously.

#4 - Sports that don't involve water: okay this was just a way to say that black people hate swimming.

#5 - Hot Fries: if you don't believe me, just ask.

#6 - Basketball: it's like baseball for black people.

Anonymous said...

um...i don't know about likes. but i know one thing black people probably dislike: being stereotyped.

(see above comment)

ryan said...

Um I just want to be on the record of saying I did not write the above comment even though it has my blog address linked to it.


ryan said...

Sorry bro we just live in a culture that the only people groups you are allowed to make fun of are whites, particularly white males. I did not make the rules I just live here...

Mrs. Jake said...

I think I like this guy named matt.

Jake are you serious? You have three black brothers. Are they not the same as us? All men and women are the same - we all come from the same creator.

Besides, everyone has a sterotype. All people judge others before they really know them. What comes to mind when you see the homeless man on the corner? The college kid in a polo shirt, pressed pants and nice shoes? Jake Keck in lepoard print pants and a tongue ring?