
Top Ten Comedy Scenes Of All Time...

I decided last night as I lay in bed I would post my top ten funniest momments in cinema. Now, notice these aren't my funniest movies. These are scenes from movies that are funny. The only criteria was they had to leave a good quote. For instance, there is a great scene in the movie "Young Frankenstein" when they are looking for a head and the camera scrolls from one head to the next. Underneath each head is a description with how old each head is, i.e. 20 years dead, 10 years dead, etc. They finally arrive at Egor's head perched upon a shelf. Great scene. Unfortunately, no quote except, "Hello!" which really isn't a quote. It's more of a greeting. So, I want my top ten comedy movie scenes to have the lasting effect of a good quote, and since this is my blog, I can do whatever my wife tells me I can do!

Top Ten Comedy Scenes In Cinematic History
(to be read with a booming, echoing voice)

Number Ten: Happy Gilmore Fights Bob Barker
Bob Barker. The arse-kicking machine.

Number Nine: Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail
When King Arthur encounters the Black Knight. Oh man.

Number Eight: Pink Panter Strikes Again
Inspector Clouseau is checking into a Bravarian hotel. He notices the innkeeper's dog. Sorry, no video, but click here for the audio.

Number Seven: Old School
Blue's funeral. Between an awesome rendition of "Dust in the Wind" to the ending quote of, "Like a real divorce?" this is a great scene. But the most quoteable of all, "You're my boy Blue!" will remain in infamy. All I could find for this one is a newspaper clipping about the actor's untimely death.

Number Six: Super Troopers
Then entire opening scene is fantastic. (Warning: Adult Language Ahead)

Number Five: Dumb and Dumber
Well, how do you narrow this one down...I didn't. My favorite is the moped, but there are so many...

Number Four: Tommy Boy
Once again...How do you choose? Well, I don't think anything has been imitated from this movie as much as...

Number Three: Anchorman
Once again, to pick from these is like trying to pick your favorite kid. But since I'm my mother's favorite I guess I'll have to pick as well. The quality of the clip is bad and not near long enough, but it does encompass the greatest mother quote of all time...

Number Two: Monty Python's The Life of Brian
I know, I know. This movie is blasphemous. But the stoning scene will kill ya anyway, so why not die laughing? The fact that these are men dressed as women dressed as men is just genious. Enjoy and then pray for my soul.

Number One: This is Spinal Tap
The first Rockumentory. I could name six or seven scenes that absolutely crack me up. Okay, I will. When they are on their way to the stage and get lost, when they open up the new albums only to find pure blackness (it's a pastel black), when stonehenge comes out of the ceiling only to be 24" tall, when they are playing the last stop on their tour at an amusement park, Shark Sandwich, the fact that 'Big Bottoms' is an all bass song, and oh so many more. But the scene of all scene's and my number one favorite comedy scene of all time is when Marti Debergi is interviewing Nigel Tufnel and they are talking about his guitars and amps. Makes me cry.

Well, there you go. How'd I do? Tell me your top ten and what you think I left off. You're wrong of course, but you can tell me anyway.


Dustin said...

Great list! Thanks for that. Well done.

bill said...

no 'something about mary'? what about the gasoline fight in 'zoolander'? no 'titanic'? okay, i know its not funny. but still worth mentioning, i think.