
16 Questions...

I often wonder what would happen if God intervened in a more supernatural way. I mean, I believe he has the power to. And I believe sometimes he does, in small ways that can most of the time be explained away in a scientific or medical manner. But I'm talking about, what if God sent a prophet, someone who had a connection with God deeper than anyone we'd seen in awhile? And what if this guy was more than a good preacher? What if he was more than convicting? What if he could do more than predict the future and pray for you? I'm talking what if he could confront God's enemies and bring literal hell fire and brimstone (I don't even know what brimstone is, but I know it's bad and you don't want it) upon their heads? What if the poor could bring them their sick because hospitals are too expensive, and he would heal them? And what if he came from some poor town in Africa and didn't speak our language? What if he condemned America and told us if we didn't start caring more about the world (and I don't just mean about the countries that might have the nucular power to bring us down, I'm referring mostly to those that don't) then God would stop caring about us? What if he said that everyone who made more than $30,000 better start giving away half of it, or we'd be in danger of losing our salvation? I wonder if we would listen. Sure we might hear about it, but would we really listen? Or would we say, that's just some poor black guy pissed at the world? Would we be willing to invade Iran, not in the military sense, but with bibles and the willingness, not just to die, but to suffer for the kingdom of God? Would we do it? The Bible says that Jesus was prevented from doing miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith. The Bible also says that though we are faithless, he is faithful. But could our lack of faith be preventing him from reaching in and interfearing with our world? Or, does he do it and our lack of faith keeps us from recognizing it more?

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