
The Smells Of Summer...

I washed my car for the first time in a long time today. I love the way she looks when she's not dirty. Such a beautiful car. The 'new car' scent never quite smells like it should so I go with the 'orange citrus'. Reminds me of summer. And with the weather in the lower 90's it's starting to feel like it to.

Watching the cars come off the drying assembly line, it's hard not to try and match the car with the owner. There's the Lexus SUV. Probably goes to the lady talking real estate on the phone. I spot a mullet at the table in the back. Let's see...any camaros in that line? nope? Well, then I'll go with the 80's mustang. Bingo. I spot one I can't place. It's a cadillac but it must be early nineties at best. It has a huge dent and scratches on the rear quarterpanel. Can't quite place that one. So I wait until it's done and the mexican twirls the rag. Up pops a rather unpleasant man who I only noticed before because he was arguing with the cashier when I first walked in to pay. He paces around the car holding the poor attendant hostage while he points at every miniscule droplet of water he can find. Doesn't want any streaks, see?

I find myself wondering if he's going to put this much effort into a car that will never look new, why bother? Why not put that energy and effort and time and money into something that at least when you're done, she'll sparkle and have that summer smell?

I find myself being that man many times. I put energy and effort in making something sparkle and smell fresh when in reality it's dead and foul. I read my bible just enough to give the air of superiority. I pray just often enough to show my piety. I think, "My, aren't I spiritual." I read the right books to know the right answers to the right questions in the right conversations. And I am so very, very wrong.

I wonder what it might be like if I gave in and let Him renew me. Instead of working hard on something that will never be new, what if I died to myself so I could know what new really means. Instead of holding people hostage with my piousness, I might serve them with my humility.

Finally, my car's done. She looks beautiful. I love the smell of summer.

1 comment:

bill said...

good post man. you should be a preacher.