
The Perfect Storm...

Have you ever had a perfect day? I mean the kind of day where everything goes right? Yesterday was one of those days for me.

I slept in till about 9:30. Then I got up, ate breakfast, threw my clubs into my jeep and took off for the golf course. Played a not-too-shabby 18 (well, for myself anyways...I'm sure there'd be a few people embarassed with my score). Came home to an immaculate house that my wonderful wife had slaved away all day cleaning. Hopped in the shower and then made some mean chili for some friends we had come over. Watched a hilarious movie, and then went to some other friends house for a party to cap the night off. Came home at about 11:00 pm and went straight to sleep.

Why can't they all be like that?

(Oh, and did I mention it was like 75 degrees all day?)
(Oh, and also, you have to spell degrees because there is no key on the keyboard with the little degrees sign)

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