When I first saw the trailor, I thought, "This looks stupid. All that CG and special effect crap that ruined star wars. I won't see it."
Then I saw the second trailor. Then I thought, "You know, it may not be too bad. It's people fighting and swords and arrows and blood and stuff. How bad could it be."
Then I started to wonder what it was actually about.
And that's when I fell in love with the story.
You can read all about it at Wikipedia, but let me just say, I think I want to name my first kid Leonidas. It means "son of the Lion". Seriously.
My favorite part of the story is when King Xerxes of Persia is having a conference before the battle with Leonidas. He says that they are too outnumbered and if Leonidas will lay down his arms he'll make Leonidas king of all Greece under Persian rule. Leonidas tells him there is no way he could do that to his compatriots. This ticks Xerxes off and he aggressively orders Leonidas to lay down his arms and Leonidas says, "Come and get them."
Son of the Lion indeed.
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