
Don't Censor Me...

Cause I'll do it myself thank you very much.

I wrote a post responding to the last comments Ryan left regarding abortion. I attempted to use some tongue-in-cheek humor, but it apparently didn't work. So, I pulled it. I don't like to censor myself very often, but I'll do it on occassion. I will probably post something better written that attempts to express what I was trying to say, but I'll do it sometime when it isn't 12:25 in the morning. If you happen to have read the blog, feel free to comment anyway.

I'll be back...


That's How You Debate...

Look, by now it's no secret I'm an Obama man. So, it won't be a shocker when I say that Obama hit it out of the park last night. John McCain looked like a desperate kid angry that life isn't fair. Well, in the words of my Dad, "Life isn't fair! Get over it!"

Obama's ideas are just better. His composure is more presidential. When it came to explaining his health care package, McCain had no recourse but to use his memorized attack right after Obama was very articulate as to what his plan actually was and what it wasn't. He just looked foolish. He couldn't think on his feet. He couldn't articulate his ideas (he even called Obama "Senator Government" at one point. By accident.) He looked frustrated and annoyed. At one point, I literally felt like I could see McCain saying in his head, "Man, I wish that was my plan. That sounds better than my plan."

If we want to get into the issues as to why I'm an Obama man, we can, and I'm more than happy to do that. But you'd have to at least agree that last night, one guy looked ready to lead the country, and one guy looked like someone had just stolen his favorite toy.


X Watch Might Not Let You See This...

I was reading an article about the economy by Jim Cramer when I came accross this article. I thought it was really good. I thought it was a different perspective on the realities of porn in our culture. This might be a bit graphic in nature, but honest.

Check it out.

What do you think?


In My Absence...

I know that I've been extremely absent lately. Just too much going on to blog. In keeping with my lulls, I have found the ultimate video. Someone compiled 35 minutes of ever crash, nut shot, sucker punch, fire mishap, drunk backflips, etc, that I've ever seen. So, for now, this will have to keep you entertained. Till later...