I do. Oh man do I fail.
In my job I get to talk to a lot of people. Unfortunately, most of the time they are pissed off as they can be. Usually I get to go in and get yelled at, tell them what we are going to do to make them happy, and then try my best to do it. Even if I am successful and finishing the work I told them I would do, they are usually so fed up with my company that the momment the last thing is signed off the door is shut and that's it.
But sometimes, sometimes, I get the good ones. The ones who aren't mad. The ones who love their home and are so excited to be in it.
That sometimes was not today.
But of course, with all bad things, there is a copper lining. I asked the customer if she was a part of a church. She said no, but that she was interested in getting hooked up with one. I told her of a couple of good churches in the area.
Then comes the conversation that I don't know what to do with. It's the "as-long-as-I'm-a-good-person-and-believe-in-God-I'm-okay" conversation. I did my best to say it's all about Jesus. I did my best to say it's about the Holy Spirit leading my life. I did my best to say my life would not be complete without my Saviour.
I did my best.
But I failed. I don't know what success is in that conversation. I don't know if I'm just to be the sower scattering the seeds, hoping some to fall on fertile soil. I don't know if I'm to be the Paul planter, or the Apollo waterer. Too often, I feel I'm the Peter.
You know Peter. Had a chance to stand up for Christ and didn't. Could've cost him his life. Could've cost him deep. Could've, but he missed out. He failed.
I fail too. Oh, do I fail.